
“Security is more than just antivirus and a firewall “


With the increase of consumer and business products that are internet ready and cloud services becoming a standard the need to secure systems against vulnrublties and exploitation is becoming an increasing necessity. Operating systems that run these devices along with their browsers and relaxed LAN architecture have always been the preferred way of entry.

Checked Checkbox 2-64Security is not a single dimensioned concept in the IT world. That is, there is not one single product, or one single solution that just works when switched on. 

Levantco can get your infrastructure right to reduce your risk and keep your business up and protected. We can deliver Antivirus, Antimalware, firewall and IPS security systems to protect your valuable data and we can assist you in organising your network in a way that could contain any potential threat.

Checked Checkbox 2-64Consider the Scenario: Crypto Locker or Ransomware has been installed on a domain connected workstation inadvertently.

Cancel-52    With no security in place: Computer viruses and malware can install and compromise your data without you even knowing, the recovery from this type of infection can be extremely difficult and in many cases, only a wipe and reload of operating system files can guarantee the virus is removed. If this virus has infected your file server or domain controller, you will have serious and costly problems.

Ok-52     With security in place: You have a staggered approach to security, at each layer of your environment there was a shield to protect your business, at the network layer, at the OS layer and at the application layer. you are able to recover without impact to any major systems or services.

For further information or to ask a question about our pricing structure, please contact us